The marketplace is far too pumped to stand still. You can be certain that your competitors are pushing the pedal to the metal. As more people are connected to the internet and everyone seems to be more busy, you have less time to deliver your message. Traditional advertising struggles to support businesses with reaching their target clients, particularly when so much is literally at our finger tips, on the internet.
It's true that newspaper sales in Australia have been holding up much better in recent years than they have in Europe and the United States. But there are local pessimists too. Eric Beecher, a former editor of the Sydney Morning Herald who now publishes websites like Crikey and Business Spectator, says that many of Australia's biggest-selling newspapers - including Fairfax Media's - are heading for trouble.
Click on the image below to see the interviews with Mike van Niekerk, Roy Greenslade and Eric Beecher.
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